onsdag 27 juni 2012

Sexism: It's a EU Thing!

Dear scientific people of the European Comission,

Thank you so very much for making this videosnutt. I have always tänkt that there are some things I just can't do, for exempel run fast like a man, drive a car or think about komplicerade things. Since I have a pair of very large boobs and a pussy vagina, I alltid thought that it just won't be possible for me. But now I know I was wrong! Science is spelled with a lipstift in the middle! To work in the scientific område is like being a model and all girls and women who have pussy vaginas are so good at being modeller! The laboratorium is really a cat walk, only with dna-strängar, hydrogen, smoke, läppstick and nagelpolish and sexy säkerhetsgoggles! And all the hot forskare will be so glad to se me they will look up from their strobostetoskop! Now I will go forska on the lifeforms in puder.

Many kind hälsningar, 

Susanna "Scientific Sexkitten" Martelin

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